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Q & A


When is the wedding?

Our wedding is scheduled for the 21st of September 2023, which happens to fall on a Thursday.

It’s a one day event, so save the date and join us for this joyous celebration!


Do you have a wedding hashtag?

Yes, our wedding ceremony is titled "Journey To Forever". Please use #journeyTOforever or #JTF23 when sharing media content on that day.


What gifts would you like to receive?

Your presence at our wedding is the most cherished gift we could ask for.

However, if you wish to contribute further, we kindly request cash gifts to support us as we start our journey together.

You can find more information on how to give cash gifts here.


Can I bring a plus-one to the wedding?

We appreciate your understanding, but due to limited capacity, we can only accommodate those guests whose names are specifically mentioned on the invitation.

We hope you'll still join us for this unforgettable day!


Is there a dress code for the wedding ?

Yes, there is a dress code for the wedding.

We kindly request guests to wear Burnt Orange (Gele / Cap) on Gold.
